Baby Sleep Training Apps

Baby Sleep Training Apps

Baby sleep training apps have become increasingly popular among parents looking to establish healthy sleep habits for their little ones. These apps provide customized sleep training programs, sleep tracking, and insights to help get babies sleeping through the night. In this blog post, we are going to share a list of the best baby sleep training apps. But first, let’s start with the basics.

What are baby sleep training apps?

Baby sleep training apps are software programs and mobile apps designed specifically to help parents in sleep-train their babies. They provide sleep training plans tailored to the child’s age and needs. Many apps incorporate various sleep training methods like graduated extinction (Ferber), fading, and scheduled awakenings.

Why are baby sleep training apps popular?

Sleep training is hard work and these apps help automate and simplify the process for overwhelmed parents. Apps provide guidance and ongoing support based on scientific sleep principles. The data tracking also helps motivate parents to stay consistent. Furthermore, the cost of these apps is generally cheaper than hiring an in-person sleep consultant.

What features do baby sleep training apps offer?

The core of most sleep training apps is providing parents with a customized sleep training plan tailored to their child’s age, sleep needs, and parent preferences.

Plans incorporate proven methods like graduated extinction, fading, dream feeds, etc. The schedule provides wake windows, naps, bedtime routines, and nighttime strategies. Plans are adjustable as the baby progresses.

1.Sleep tracking and logging

A key component is the ability to log and track baby’s daytime naps, nighttime sleep sessions, feedings, and diaper changes. Apps provide easy interfaces to record this data, often in real-time. The aggregated data provides insights into schedules and patterns.

2. Sleep schedule recommendations

Apps use the logged sleep data and algorithms to recommend appropriate nap schedules and bedtimes customized for each baby. Recommendations adjust based on how baby is responding and meeting sleep needs.

3. Nap guidance

Naps are essential to healthy baby sleep. Apps provide guidance on ideal nap lengths, consolidating naps, managing short naps and troubleshooting issues like nap transitions.

4. Strategies for common sleep challenges

Apps offer science-based strategies for dealing with sleep obstacles like early morning wakings, night wakings, self-soothing struggles and schedule disruptions from travel or time changes.

5. Progress reports and graphs

The app dashboard tracks sleep metrics over time so parents can monitor progress. Graphs and charts visually display sleep trends and data points.

6. Reminders and alarm functions

Many apps allow parents to set reminders for naps, bedtime routines, and tracking. Alarms help wake the baby at ideal times to keep schedule consistency.

7. Community support and forums

Apps facilitate peer support through message boards, Facebook groups, and ways to interact with other users facing similar sleep training challenges.

Popular Baby Sleep Training Apps

Here are some of the top and most downloaded baby sleep training apps on the market today:

Ferber On Demand

Ferber On Demand provides a customizable Ferber-method sleep training plan. It offers a library of educational videos explaining the approach. Users can log sleep times and feedings and access a private Facebook community.

 The Wonder Weeks

The Wonder Weeks app identifies 10 major mental developmental leaps and how they affect baby’s sleep. The app provides sleep training tips tailored to baby’s leap stage. It also offers general sleep advice and logging.


Sleepyhead uses algorithmic technology to generate a custom sleep training plan for babies based on parent-logged data and inputs. The app adjusts the plan as the baby progresses.


Huckleberry tracks babies’ sleep patterns and feeds. It uses data analytics to recommend ideal nap times and bedtimes. The app also has a sleep training program.

 Baby Sleep Time

Baby Sleep Time has customized sleep training plans created by child sleep experts. It incorporates scheduling, routines, troubleshooting, and more. Data logging and analytics identify babies’ optimal sleep windows.

The Baby Sleep Site

This app provides sleep plans tailored to the baby’s temperament and needs. It offers to troubleshoot for issues like reflux, low sleep needs, and multiple wakings.

SleepBaby Sleep

SleepBaby Sleep uses algorithms to recommend age-appropriate schedules, bedtimes and nap transitions. It has sleep coaching and a customized plan.

Baby Bedtime

Baby Bedtime allows input of baby’s sleep cues to generate ideal nap and bedtimes. It tracks sleep and offers premium sleep coaching.

Baby sleep answers

Babysleep answers has a variety of sleep program options from gentler to more structured. It incorporates schedules, logs, and sleep expert support.


SleepTrackBaby emphasizes logging and analytics. It uses data to identify optimal sleep and feeding times. The app generates visual sleep pattern analysis.

With the wide range of baby sleep apps available, parents can find the right fit for their family through features like coaching support, sleep philosophies, ease of use, price, and peer recommendations. Consistently using the selected app provides the best results.

Choosing a Baby Sleep Training App

Selecting the right sleep training app for your family’s needs and preferences is an important decision. Here are some key factors to consider when researching different baby sleep training app options:

Compatibility with your preferred sleep training method

Not all apps support every sleep training approach. If you want to follow a specific method like Ferber or graduated extinction, make sure the app you choose offers customizable plans aligned with that method. Some apps promote “no cry” methods only.

Quality of sleep coach support and guidance

Many apps provide personalized guidance from professional sleep consultants. Assess the qualifications and experience level of the coaching team that will be supporting you through the app. Higher quality support is ideal.

Ease of use and data tracking interface

You’ll be interacting with the app daily, so ensure the user experience and interface makes sleep tracking and accessing features simple. Apps that are intuitive and have positive reviews for usability often support better consistency.

App reliability and steady development updates

Pick a well-established app from an experienced developer. Check recent reviews to confirm the app is still supported with bug fixes and new features. Avoid apps that seem abandoned.

Price and value for money

Prices range from free to $200+ for sleep app subscriptions. Evaluate what level of features and support you need and how much you can reasonably afford. User reviews often compare value across apps.

Positive user reviews

User ratings and reviews offer transparent insights into real parent experiences with various baby sleep apps. Prioritize apps with consistently good feedback and ratings in the app stores.

In addition to the app itself, having realistic expectations, consistency and pediatrician support is key to finding success with a sleep training app. While incredibly handy tools, apps alone won’t solve all sleep struggles overnight. With commitment from parents, baby sleep apps can provide structure, reassurance, and custom guidance through the sleep training process.


Baby sleep training apps provide helpful structure and reassurance to parents during the difficult process of sleep training. The best apps use proven methods customized to each child’s needs. While not a complete replacement for an in-person sleep consultant, these apps offer both affordability and convenience. With realistic expectations and consistency, a quality sleep training app can help successfully guide your baby into healthy sleep habits. Learn here more about baby care and training.


Q. What are the benefits of using a baby sleep training app?

Baby sleep apps provide customized sleep training plans, helpful tracking of sleep data, insights into sleep patterns, and guidance from sleep experts. They offer convenience, affordability and ongoing support.

Q. How do I choose the right sleep training app?

Consider the app’s compatibility with your preferred method, quality of support and coaching, ease of use, price, and user reviews. Choose one that fits your family’s philosophies and needs.

Q. Do I need to follow the app recommendations exactly?

Apps provide guidance, but you can adjust the recommendations based on your real-life observations of your baby. Use the app as a tool, not a strict prescription.

Q. Will these apps work for newborns?

Most apps focus on sleep training for babies 3 months and older. Newborn sleep is more about survival for parents. But some apps provide newborn logging and patterns.

Q. Can apps help with nap sleep training?

Yes, many apps provide specific guidance on ideal nap schedules, nap transitions, extending nap length, and troubleshooting short or skipped naps.

Q. What if my baby gets very upset following the app program?

Discontinue the training and consult your pediatrician if baby is showing signs of distress like hysterical crying or refusal to eat. Adjust the plan or try again later.

Q. Do I need to log everything to get the full benefit?

Consistency in logging all sleep sessions, feeds, and diapers provides the apps with the data needed to understand your baby’s patterns and make accurate recommendations.

Q. How long until I see sleep improvements?

Depending on baby and consistency, it may take 3-7 nights for significant improvements. But logging everything provides motivation to stick with it.

Q. What happens after sleep training is complete?

Many apps support transitioning to ongoing sleep tracking and provide troubleshooting guidance if sleep regressions occur. But the intensive training aspect ends.