How to Potty Train in 3 Days: 3 Day Potty Training Method for Parents

3 Day Potty Training Method for Parents

Potty training is an important milestone for toddlers, marking their transition from diapers to using the toilet independently. While some children show interest in potty training earlier, most are ready to start around age 2. The 3 day potty training method is a popular approach that aims to potty train toddlers in a condensed timeframe.

The premise of this method is that toddlers are physically and emotionally ready for potty training earlier than parents realize. With the right encouragement, incentives, and consistency over 3 days, this approach claims most children can learn to use the toilet successfully.

While quicker than more gradual methods, the 3 day approach requires diligence and commitment from parents. Understanding the principles and steps of this method can set your toddler up for potty training success.

Overview of the 3 Day Method

The 3 day potty training method follows several key guidelines:

1- Pick a dedicated 3 day weekend or break to focus completely on potty training. Maintain a consistent schedule and be prepared to devote your full attention.

2- Dress your toddler in loose, easy-to-remove pants or underwear only (no diapers/pull-ups). This allows them to feel when they are wet or dirty.

3- Provide positive reinforcement through praise, encouragement and small treats when they use the potty successfully.

4- Respond quickly to accidents by changing soiled clothes without anger or punishment. Gently remind them that pee and poop belong in the potty.

5- Take the toddler to the potty at scheduled intervals and cue words, as well as before activities and after meals, naps, etc.

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6- Celebrate successes after each time they use the toilet. Track progress with stickers on a chart.

The 3 days focus intensively on building awareness, routine, and independence with using the toilet regularly.

Preparing for Potty Training

Certain steps should be taken to set the stage before starting the 3 day method:

1- Get a child-sized potty chair and step stool so they can access the toilet comfortably.

2- Allow them to observe bathroom habits of parents, siblings or role models. Read books and sing songs about using the potty.

3- Ensure they can communicate when they need to go potty, either verbally or with gestures.

4- Recognize signs they are ready: staying dry for longer stretches, giving physical or verbal cues when wet/dirty, interest in the potty, seeking privacy.

5- Childproof the bathroom and clear schedules to focus completely during the 3 days. Givecaregivers a heads-up.

6- Gather supplies: multiple changes of clothes, cleaning products, sticker chart, small treats/prizes.

With preparation and commitment, you can set your little one up for toilet training success.

The 3 Day Potty Training Routine

Once you have laid the groundwork, here is an overview of how the intensive 3 days will ideally progress:

Day 1

1- After breakfast, have the first potty session, helping them sit on the potty fully dressed. Praise if successful.

3- Spend the full day at home, naked below the waist. Set a timer for every 15-30 minutes to sit on the potty. Give treats and celebrate successes.

3- Respond calmly to accidents by changing clothes and reminding to use the potty. Use cue words like “pee pee goes in the potty.”

See also  When to Transition from Diapers to Underwear

4- Nap and night time potty sessions may still rely on diapers/pull-ups.

Day 2

1- The toddler remains naked at home. Set a timer for every 30-45 minutes for potty sessions. Watch for signals they need to go.

2- Practice hand washing routines after using the toilet. Help wipe and flush.

3- Put the child in underwear. Expect more accidents but maintain positivity. Change clothes and clean up without scolding.

4- Start transitioning from diapers to underwear for naps/night.

Day 3

1- The toddler wears underwear full-time. Take them to the potty every 45-60 minutes. Reinforce staying dry.

2- Schedule potty breaks around activities and post-meal times. Go out briefly to encourage telling you when they need to go.

3- Praise every success. Consider an end-of-day reward if they stay dry, like a fun activity or potty party.

4- Nighttime training may still require a diaper, but encourage waking to use the bathroom before bed and when wet.

While many toddlers accomplish daytime dryness in 3 days, it can take more time. Remain positive, patient, and consistent. Watch for readiness cues before starting. With preparation and diligence, you can potty train confidently.


The 3 day potty training method requires commitment but can help toddlers transition from diapers to the toilet quickly. Setting the stage with preparation while closely following the intensive 3 day routine gives parents a plan of action. Keep expectations flexible, use positive reinforcement, and involve toddlers actively in the process. Stay consistent after the 3 days to maintain new habits. With the right approach, your little one can gain toilet independence and confidence. Celebrate these exciting milestones on the journey to self-care. Learn here more about toddlers’ habits building and lifestyle growth.

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Q: What supplies do I need for 3 Day Potty Training Method?

A: Potty chair, step stool, timer, sticker chart, toys/books for the potty, lots of extra clothes & underwear, cleaning supplies, small treats/prizes.

Q: What if they don’t go potty during scheduled times in 3 Day Potty Training Method?

A: Be patient and keep trying at the next interval. Provide books or toys to make sitting fun. Praise for just trying.

Q: Should I wake my child from naps to take them potty?

A: Yes, wake them to try pottying after about 2 hours of naptime. This can help build daytime control.

Q: Is it normal for accidents to increase on day 2 in 3 Day Potty Training Method?

A: Yes, switching to underwear can lead to more accidents at first. Stay positive and be prepared with cleanup supplies.

Q: What cues should I watch for that they need to go in 3 Day Potty Training Method?

A: Squirming, grabbing at diapers, passing gas, change in activity, interrupting play, facial expressions.

Q: How much fluid should they drink?

A: Keep hydrated normally so they practice recognizing signals. Avoid caffeine and cut off liquids an hour before bedtime.

Q: How can I make potty training fun?

A: Read stories, sing songs, use sticker charts, do potty dances, let them pick out underwear, use a musical potty.